May 6, 2019In August of 2018, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission released a new Guidance Guideline regarding Sex Discrimination. The Guideline included sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender transition, and transgender identity. A resident in Pennsylvania can file a Complaint with the Commission if he or she believes that he/she has been discriminated against in education, employment, housing and public accommodation.
April 25, 2019For more than 20 years, the procedure in a Social Security case in Pennsylvania was for a disabled individual to file an application, have the case decided by the Bureau of Disability Determination, and if the case was denied, file a request for a hearing before a Judge. If the individual filed the Request for Hearing within 60 days after the denial, the individual had the right to have the case decided by an Administrative Law Judge after a hearing.
The Social Security Administrative Law Judge would hold a hearing, listen to the individual’s testimony about his/her medical conditions, review the medical evidence, and make a decision about the disability case. The Judge would issue a favorable decision or deny the claim (unfavorable decision). According to recent a recent government report, based on nationwide data, an Administrative Law Judge would award benefits about 53% of the time after a hearing.
April 17, 2019In the event you inherit a tax deferred Account from a parent or spouse, do not liquidate or transfer the Account until you seek qualified advice regarding the transfer of the Account. The IRS has specific rules that must be followed regarding tax deferred Accounts. Liquidating or transferring an inherited Account without qualified advice may cause you to lose tax benefits and could cause the entire distribution to be treated as taxable income to you.
If your parent or spouse did not withdraw the full required minimum distribution (RMD) from his or her IRA in the year of passing, then you will need to withdraw the remaining RMD before December 31 of that year.
What is Education Law, and How Does it Affect My Child?
April 10, 2019At Pyfer Reese, we understand the value of education for all children. You know your child’s needs and abilities better than anyone.
If you believe that your child’s education is being compromised in an unfair or neglectful way, contact one of our team of experienced education law attorneys – Gabriella H. Farhat and Jeffrey C. Murse – to keep you apprised of your child’s or student’s rights; always an advocate for proper education for your child or student.
New videos added to our Youtube Channel
April 4, 2019Differences Between Personal Injury Law and Worker’s Compensation
February 22, 2019When a PA worker gets hurt, and pursues his/her rights under the Workers’ Compensation Act, generally speaking, he/she is entitled to two benefits: payment of medical bills and payment of lost earnings. But when a worker gets hurt on the job and the injury is caused by an outside third party, such as a driver on the road who blows through a red light or a stop sign, then the worker has two potential claims: a personal injury claim and a workers’ compensation claim. But there are many differences between the two types of claims that can be essential for choosing one path or both.
Our team at Pyfer, Reese, Straub, Gray & Farhat is highly experienced in representing your personal injury or worker’s compensation cases fiercely and efficiently. We will determine which case is right for your situation and work to provide you with the best possible outcome.
Not All Cases Are Alike
Worker’s compensation cases only apply to those in the workforce. The largest distinguishing difference between worker’s compensation and personal injury cases is that fault is typically irrelevant in order to receive benefits in a worker’s compensation case. The primary proof that needs to be presented in order to receive payment is generally that you were an employee, injured in the course and scope of employment and as a result thereof.
Personal injury cases, on the other hand, are more complicated. These cases provide for an opportunity to gain a recovery for non-economic losses such as pain, suffering, limitations on physical activities of daily living, a focus on how the injuries impacted your life, your lifestyle, your activities, short term or long term. They also provide for economic losses such as wage loss claims, out-of-pocket payments, or lost earnings.
Some of these cases may settle early, some may not settle at all; if not settled, litigation (a lawsuit) is commenced. Some proceed to arbitration, others to alternate dispute resolution or to trial. That process may be time consuming but preparedness and patience to carefully plan and gather documentation relevant to your injuries and situation is key. The attorneys at our Firm will guide you through the process, answer your questions and ease your concern and worries by providing you with a projected timeline; the attorney will walk you through what is involved at every step of the way and make you more at ease.
Where is the Overlap?
Worker’s compensation and personal injury cases actually do have some crossover. These cases can be similar in several ways, including:
· Injuries involving a defective product
· Injuries involving a toxic substance
· Injuries intentionally caused by a coworker or employer
· Injuries occurring due to the negligence of the third party
While these are areas of overlap and could potentially be pursued under the workers’ compensation Act or a personal injury case, one of the two areas might be better suited for filing the claim; or perhaps pursuing both. Knowing the subtle differences and the interaction between a personal injury case and a worker’s compensation claim could mean the difference between receiving an appropriate recovery from the claim or walking away empty-handed.
The best way to know whether your case should be filed as workman’s compensation or personal injury is to speak with a knowledgeable attorney. Call our team at Pyfer, Reese, Straub, Gray & Farhat if you need more information about worker’s compensation or personal injury representation. Give us a call today at 717-299-7342. We look forward to hearing from you!
An IRE in Workers’ Compensation
January 22, 2019A hot issue for injured workers in Pennsylvania and under the Workers’ Compensation Act has been the “IRE.” The IRE has been in place in PA since 1996. But the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania declared the entire IRE section of the Act (Section 306(a.2)) unconstitutional on June 20, 2017* and THEN… on October 24, 2018… WAIT. WAIT.
Before we talk about that, let’s talk about what is an IRE anyway?
IRE stands for Impairment Rating Evaluation.
Under the IRE concept, once an injured worker receives 104 weeks of temporary total disability benefits, and has reached MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement), the workers’ comp insurance company has the right to send the injured worker for an IRE by a doctor. The IRE doctor is selected either by agreement between the parties or by the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. The doctor examines the injured worker and reviews medical records. Once the doctor does both, he or she then refers to the 6th Edition of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. The doctor then comes up with a “Whole Body Impairment” (WBI) rating related to the work injury only. If the IRE results in a WBI rating is less than 35% (this had previously been at 50%), the status of workers’ compensation benefits can be changed from “total” disability to “partial” disability. This change does not affect the weekly compensation rate, but it does affect how long the injured worker can receive the benefits.
In Pennsylvania:
1) There is no limit to how long an injured worker can receive “total” disability benefits; and obviously, this explains why an IRE process and the results are important.
2) But an injured worker can only receive a maximum of 500 weeks of “partial” disability benefits. Therefore, once the status of benefits is changed from “total” to “partial” wage loss (aka indemnity) benefits may be capped at 500 weeks. There is no limit to the length of time an injured worker can receive medical benefits.
If the IRE is requested within 60 days of the expiration of 104 weeks of total disability benefits, the change in status is automatic (the PA workers’ comp insurance carrier only has to file a form called “Notice of Change of Status”). If the request is not made within this 60-day window, the PA workers’ comp insurance company must file, and litigate, a Petition for Modification to have the status changed.
Current Law:
But, as I mentioned earlier, what was ruled unconstitutional on June 20, 2017 became a short-lived victory as of October 24, 2018. On October 24, 2018, the PA legislature enacted into law Act 111 of 2018, which reestablished the IRE process, now Section 306 (a.3). But, at least for the injured worker in PA, the previous 50% threshold for continuing on total disability was reduced to 35%. Other than that, it would appear the IRE process is back in PA. There is an established presumption of total disability at 35% whole body impairment.
Questions do remain how this new law will impact existing cases. This will require decisions from the appellate courts. If you have IRE situation, or a Petition for Modification has been filed in your case, come see us as soon as possible to discuss your situation. See Gabriella Hashem Farhat, Esquire, or Linda F. Gerencser, Esquire, for legal questions or representation. Attorney Farhat has been handling and litigating workers’ compensation cases, on behalf of the injured worker/employee for over 30 years, call us at 717.299.7342. And, stay tune for our part 2 blog about this hot topic.
What You Should Know
January 18, 20191. We have evening and weekend appointments, upon request
2. We have one main office and 3 satellite offices to serve you: Lancaster, Willow Street, York and Ephrata
3. We make house calls when necessary
4. We are a General Practice Law Firm
5. We handle Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation, Domestic, Criminal, General Civil, Wills and Estates, Social Security, Education Law, Veterans’ Work, Medical Marijuana Issues.
Call us for all your legal needs.
Pyfer Reese Straub Gray & Farhat PC
128 North Lime Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
Willow Street
2801 Willow Street Pike
Willow Street, PA 17584
2550 Kingston Road
Suite 310
York, PA 17402
115 South State Street
Ephrata, PA 17522
How Does Your School Determine if Your Child Needs Accommodations?
December 4, 2018The school will assemble a team to perform a “big picture” evaluation of the child. The team must look at any and all areas of the child that would relate to the suspected disability. These areas may include: 1) health 2) social skills and emotional status 3) general intelligence 4) academic performance 5) communication needs and 6) motor skills. The evaluation must be thorough enough to identify all of the child’s requirements.
Other sources of information the team must review include teacher recommendations, the child’s social or cultural background, the child’s self-help skills, and any other information that helps the team make an accurate decision about whether the child has a disability and needs special services, and what those services should include. The evaluation should take into account all the reasons why a child might be struggling in school.
Once the evaluation is complete, the team must make a two part decision. First, does the child have a disability that affects his/her ability to learn? If “yes,” the team must then move to the second part of the analysis: whether the child needs special education services and support as a result of that disability. The child must meet both criteria to be eligible for special education.
Did you know that children with no learning disability may be entitled to accommodations by the school? A child with a disability who does not need “specially designed instruction” may still need supports or accommodations in the school setting. That child may be eligible for these supports under a law, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A child who has a physical or mental disability that “substantially limits” a major life function (like learning, thinking, walking, breathing, seeing, or hearing) may qualify for reasonable accommodations or other support services in the regular classroom.
It is important to know all of your rights as a parent and all the rights of your child. An education attorney can help you make sure the school is providing everything that you and your child are entitled to under the law. Please call our office at 717.299.7342 and speak with Attorney Gerryanne Cauler to discuss your rights and the rights of your child.
~Gerryanne P. Cauler, Esquire
Pennsylvania Passes Driver’s License Suspension Reform
November 20, 2018On April 22, 2019, a new law affecting driver’s license suspensions will go into effect. The new law removes mandatory PennDOT-imposed license suspensions for those convicted of certain crimes and for those who fail to pay child support. On October 24, 2018, Governor Wolf signed into law House Bill 163 which removes drivers’ license suspensions as a penalty for many non-violent offenses that are not connected to driving. Proponents of the Bill argued that license suspensions had a negative impact on defendants long after they had completed their sentence. Many Pennsylvanians faced license suspension from PennDOT after being convicted of drug offenses, underage drinking, or failing to pay child support. The suspensions hindered those trying to find employment or those traveling to and from work, driving to various appointments or the ability to utilize support-based services that offer help for those trying to better their lives.
House Bill 163 does not remove a mandatory license suspension for crimes where someone is operating a vehicle, such as DUI. The Bill removes a license suspension for the following: drug offenses, purchase of tobacco by a minor, underage drinking, misrepresentation of age to buy alcohol, carrying a false ID card, and failing to pay child support.
It is important to note that House Bill 163 is not retroactive, meaning that if you are convicted of the affected offenses before April 22, 2019, PennDOT will still suspend your driving privilege.
What this means for you: If you have a current charge of possession of drugs, underage drinking, or facing a suspension for failing to pay child support, contact us to discuss how you may be able to take advantage of this new law. Call 717.299.7342 to schedule a consultation with Attorney Heather Adams.
~Heather L. Adams, Esquire