

SSDI & SSI: The Importance of Your Medical Records

Have you seen your SSDI & SSI Medical Records? The Social Security Administration (“SSA”) offers Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) benefits, and Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) benefits to individuals that qualify based on a disability that meets SSA statutes and, in the case of SSI, are also low-income eligible.

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What You Need to Know During a Divorce

Many legal issues surround divorce, such as the determination of custody, support, and equitable distribution of marital property. In addition to all of this, there are often emotional issues.  Updating an estate plan is generally at the bottom of your list, if it even makes the list, when you are going through a divorce.  However, updating estate planning documents, such as a Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Advanced Medical Directive (Living Will), and Revocable Trusts should be a top priority.

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Workman’s Compensation: What You Need to Know

Understanding workman’s compensation. Just because the weather has been nice, doesn’t mean the skies are clear! 

If you’ve been injured at work, you may be wondering if you’re eligible for workman’s compensation. Workman’s compensation, also known as workman’s comp, is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their job. In most cases, workman’s compensation will cover medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages. If you get injured on the job, there are a few steps you want to take to protect yourself and make sure you get the medical and financial help you need. Each company has different policies and agreements, so make sure you understand your companies in case of an emergency.

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Post Conviction Relief in Pennsylvania

7 Reasons You May Qualify For Post Conviction Relief

Post conviction relief laws in Pennsylvania, provide multiple opportunities for someone to attempt to overturn their crime conviction. But post-conviction practice is replete with pitfalls and packed with nuance. If a defendant can prove his claim for post-conviction relief, the court could throw out his case, order a new trial, or issue an order to remedy the issue. Even if a jury has previously convicted or the defendant had entered a guilty plea. Get a second set of eyes to review your case for potential post-conviction litigation. You need a careful, experienced, and detail-driven attorney for your best chance at relief.

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Prenuptial Agreements: A Good Option for Many

Divorces can be complicated and messy, particularly when it comes to dividing the assets you have acquired during the marriage.  Fortunately, by planning a little before marriage, you can significantly reduce the complications and messiness associated with a divorce, and possibly eliminate them altogether.  How, you ask?  With a Prenuptial Agreement.             

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Driving With Suspended License or While Operating Privilege is Revoked

What You Need To Know About Driving With A Suspended License

Are you driving with a suspended license? For any number of reasons, many drivers in Pennsylvania temporarily lose their driving privileges. Some of the more common reasons include: Unpaid fines, an accumulation of points, or a DUI-related conviction.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (“PennDOT”) determines your points. Too many will result in a loss of driving privileges. Pennsylvania’s most common license suspension offenses are DUIs. Read on to learn more about suspended license provisions.

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Advantages of Mediation to Resolve Divorce Issues

Have you been wondering if Divorce mediation is really worth it? Divorce Mediation in the legal field, is often referred to as “an alternative dispute resolution process”.  There are several processes in this category.  Other frequently used methods of alternative dispute resolution are arbitration, and collaborative law.  Approximately half the states in the United States require participants in a divorce and/or custody action to participate in mediation before they become involved in the Court system. 

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What You Need to Know About Getting Repeat DUI’s

You may have heard about Pennsylvania’s new laws regarding repeat DUI offenders. Read PennDot’s recent news release: Those committing repeated DUI offenses will face stricter penalties under a new Pennsylvania law. As a result, the law has changed the grading of certain DUI offenses.

The Act 59 of 2022, referred to as “Deana’s Law”, amends the Pa. Vehicle Code. This results in several changes including: 1) Increased grading for certain DUI offenses. 2) Required consecutive sentencing for certain repeat DUI offenders. 3) An 18-month driving privilege suspension for a DUI conviction graded as a 2nd degree felony, PennDOT said.

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The Importance Of Reviewing & Updating Your Estate Plan


There are three main documents that encompass an estate plan: 

  1. A Will
  2. A Power Of Attorney
  3. A Health Care Directive or Living Will

In addition, certain situations merit creating a Trust or retitling real estate.  Estate planning documents should be reviewed every few years and revised as life changes require.  Some examples of life events that may prompt a review of your estate plan include marriage, separation or divorce, birth of a child, death of a family member, acquisition or sale of significant assets, receiving an inheritance, moving into Pennsylvania from another State or Country, retirement from employment,  eldercare parent or spouse situations, and changes to existing tax laws.

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Posted in News on by Pyfer Reese.