Drug Offenses
A drug offense refers to the possession, use, sale or furnishing of any illegal drug or intoxicating substance or drug paraphernalia. Many drug offenses are felonies.
Robert H. Reese, Jr., Heather L. Adams, Christopher M. Patterson, and Daniel C. Bardo are hard-working, Lancaster-based criminal defense lawyers with years of experience with drug offenses. If you’ve been charged with the possession of a controlled substance or possession with the intent to distribute, then you need a drug defense attorney who understands our court system and has compassion for your unique situation. Accepting the wrong offer or simply giving up without challenging the charges against you can have a damaging and lasting effect on you and your family. We understand that everyone has a unique situation and drug defense attorneys at Pyfer Reese Straub Gray & Farhat PC take the time to listen to your story and fully understand the situation so that we can work to defend your rights.